Having met a few entrepreneurs over the years, it is interesting to hear their views on planning.  Some of which are quiet dismissive: What is the point of planning, something different always happens Planning just ties you down – these days you need to be quick to react and adaptable. Accountants plan – I’m an.. read more →

There comes a time in the life of many a small businesses when the owner wants out.  There can be a variety of reasons; retirement, the call of a new opportunity or simply boredom.  This is the point where the owner calls in his accountant and asks that dreaded question “How much is my business.. read more →

I think it is fair to say that, for many businesses, 2011 has not been the best of years. The recession has been long and hard.  The recovery stills seems as distant and intangible as it did three years ago.  In fact, the experts are saying that likelihood of a ‘double dip’ has increased and.. read more →

17 Nov 2011
November 17, 2011

The Double-dip Failure Shortlist

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I couldn’t help but notice that Mothercare is in the news again with the BBC headline Mothercare reports loss after weak UK sales  This time the business has posted a half-year loss of £81.4m, a like-for-like sales drop of 7%, and are launching a review of their UK business. Back in January of this year.. read more →

There is something has been bothering me for years now and, going by recent experience, it is still an issue.  I’ve seen it on far too many occasions and I’ve seen how damaging it is to small-to-medium businesses across the country.  It is crazy but it keeps happening over and over again. What I’m talking.. read more →

03 Oct 2011
October 3, 2011

What about the cash, Duncan!

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Like most people reading this, I’m a bit of a fan of Dragon’s Den.  So I was pleased to see that last night (October 3rd) the BBC was running one of the spin-off programs – “How to Win in the Den”.  This particular episode featured, amongst others, Ling of Ling Car Leasing fame. As I.. read more →

I attended an interesting Corporate Finance Workshop yesterday (the 27th September) run by Roffe Swayne as part of a Surrey Chamber of Commerce monthly series. The Title was ‘The Corporate Finance Transaction – Unplugged’ – a presentation and discussion around the various issues that arise before, during and after a corporate finance transaction, and was.. read more →

01 Jul 2011
July 1, 2011

Meet The Cash Coach…

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‘Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is reality’ I’m guessing that you’ve heard this phrase before – but what does it mean in the real world: Well, I’ve seen too many businesses spending their time chasing low-margin orders, giving larger discounts, extending terms – all in the misguided belief that such activities would.. read more →

10 Apr 2011
April 10, 2011

Be the blade of grass

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So, I’ve been mowing the lawn this morning and it got me thinking: Nobody told each and every one of these blades of grass to grow so tall and green – they just did it – and what a great job they have done too!  So why is it so difficult for a human being.. read more →