Do you think you and your business would benefit if you spent a day with half-a-dozen millionaires sharing with you their secrets of success?

I thought it sounded like a great idea so on Saturday I did just that. I spent the day in the company of around two hundred other entrepreneurs and business owners in London W1. We had all gathered to attend the EBA One-day Total Business Mastery Seminar. The Entrepreneurs Business Academy, for those that don’t know, provides a fantastic range of course, events and materials for entrepreneurs. It is run by James Caan and Bev James, supported by an amazing array of millionaire mentors and backed up by a great range of business experts.

I knew that the day was going to be good but I didn’t realise quite how informative, motivating and inspirational it would be. After Bev’s introduction we were treated to powerful presentations by five fantastic and very successful people.

Nic Rixon – Strategies for growth
Peter Thomson – Retain clients and improve revenue
Steve Clark – Your attitude determines your altitude
Guy Levine – SEO and Social Media Guru
James Caan – How I became a Dragon

It was like getting a micro-MBA in eight-hours flat. The delivery speed is like something out of The Matrix. This is business kung-fu.

I implore you – sign up for this day. In fact, don’t go by yourself but take your entire management team. Send your suppliers and customers. I’d even suggest that you take your Bank Manager.

I seriously don’t know how they do this for the price. If you wanted to spend the day getting the secrets of success from five multi-millionaire business gurus how much would you expect to pay? Well, the tickets for the event started at an unbelievably low £87. Bev and James – if you are reading this the I want you to know that you have got the numbers wrong. This program should not be addressing two hundred people at a time. It should be two thousand at a time.

A word of warning, however: Your head will be buzzing so don’t expect to be able to get to sleep that night.

Sign up here

Just recieved an update from Bev James:  The date of the next EBA Total Mastery Seminar is 19th March 2011.

Book your place now!

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